
Thoughts and Adventures From Greenlite Heavy Industries

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Reading through my latest issue of COG magazine I was happy to run across this little quote - it accompanied a review of the latest "cycling jeans."

"... this urban cycling "trend" isn't going away anytime soon."

I hope not.

Tomorrow my partner, Bianca, and I are heading back down to Pioneer Square for a second fitting with Matt and Maikoiyo at Georgetown Sewing. Exciting times that' for sure.

I doubt many folks die unhappy because they took too many risks, I speculate that few last words are on the order of "damn I wish I hadn't taken so many chances, I should have taken the safe route, stayed close to home." Bianca and I are taking a shot here, we're not sitting close to home, we're not "doing what we do best," instead we're doing what we don't know anything about. And hey isn't that what it's all about.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5000 Miles

The goal for 2012 is to log 5000 miles on my bicycle(s). I've decided that these should be actual road/trail miles and that the trainer and rollers don't count. Bummer because I spent two hours on the trainer today.

I signed up for a 30 mile mountain bike race in May. 30 miles on a mountain bike is a significant undertaking. I'll have to start racking up some trail miles.