Up until last week I think that I can safely say that I’ve
never sold anything to anyone, except maybe a few low dollar ebay and
craigslist transactions. As it stands
today I’ve sold four pairs of my G1 pants: two at Veloce Velo and two at Huband Bespoke. I have to say it’s quite a

It’s one thing to sell something that someone else had
developed; it’s another thing entirely to sell something that you developed,
that you brought to the market. I feel a
sense of pride in knowing that had I not started Greenlite Heavy Industries and
had I not persisted in my efforts to make an awesome, American made urban
cycling pant neither the G1 nor the 3Quarter pant would be on the market. They simply wouldn’t exist. Pride in creation.
Bringing you own stuff, your own dreams, to market is angst
writ large. It is nothing but stress,
self-doubt and constant worry. Did I
make the right decision? Should I have
done it this way? Should I have done it
that way? Should I have even done it at
all? The little victory of a sale erases
all that angst. I’m on the right track
here. Yes it’s going to take time, but I’m
on the path that leads me to where I want to go.
1 comment:
So cool Mike!! I love those pants. They look and feel great on Clemens! Bianca
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