Heart and Soul
When I told my family and friends that I was going to start
up an American made clothing line they either smiled and remained silent, or simply
came out and told me that my idea was “crazy,” “naïve” or, in one case,
“stupid.” Convention says that in order
to make a profit in the clothing industry you need to import large production
runs from overseas factories. “You make
your money on the volume,” they say. I
view this as a race to the bottom. It’s
making money by squeezing another thirty cents per garment out nameless workers. I’m not into that. Instead I’m into putting my heart into
clothing that has soul.
Consider the guy in his small Portland one-man hand built bike
factory. He’s putting his heart into his
work, it’s not a paycheck for him; it’s a way of life. Can you argue that his frame will somehow
perform better than what rolls off the line at a Taiwanese factory? In most cases I’d say no. But that hand built frame has something that
the factory bike does not have, and that something is soul.
Soul is real.
This is what I’m talking about.
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